Zemgale laboratory, Latvia

Laboratory plan

Activities/steps in the lab

  • Stakeholder Forum . The main purpose of the forum is to bring together various stakeholders involved in supporting young people (social services, youth centers, schools, vocational schools, parents' councils, student councils, NGOs, social entrepreneurs, the Board of Education, the Resource Center for Adolescents, social workers, psychologists, probation service, municipal police, regional university and others). During the event, stakeholders share their work profiles and promote cross-sectoral collaboration. In addition, stakeholders collaborate to identify common needs, working together to improve the quality of life for young people in the community. During the laboratory, the participants are introduced to the values of the LINK project and the concepts of social innovation.

Stakeholder forum program in Latvian. Flip the card over to see the English translation of the program!

Stakeholder Forum Program
Stakeholder forum program in Latvian

Stakeholder Forum program in English. Turn the card over to see the Latvian translation of the program!

Stakeholder Forum program in English

  • Community Meeting (#1) . Based on the feedback received during the stakeholder meeting, we aim to deepen our collaboration with community members to identify areas where social innovation can thrive, particularly through initiatives involving young people. This meeting is dedicated to exploring how we can find solutions in our own community. What specific types of solutions are we looking for? We take a solution-focused approach, focusing on developing conversations that prioritize the discovery and development of solutions. Participants have the opportunity to test the given tools in a real-world context.
  • Community Meeting (#2) . After the initial community meeting, the goal is to gather feedback on how the provided tools performed in the real world. We try to identify areas for improvement and recognize what worked effectively and what didn't. Furthermore, we aim to explore the solutions that already exist in society and see how they can be used to address our current challenges.
  • Community Meeting (#3) . After the second community meeting, the goal is to gather feedback on how the provided tools performed in a real-world context. We try to identify areas for improvement and recognize what worked effectively and what didn't. In addition, we intend to delve into existing solutions in society and determine how they can be used to effectively address current challenges. In addition, next steps in the community to promote outcomes in youth work are discussed.
  • Between community meetings, regular communication and collaboration between lab members is planned using online communication tools and the "LINK" platform.

Expected results

  1. A proven learning and innovation lab model
    The Innovation Lab has been created as a safe and creative environment that promotes the development and implementation of new ideas or approaches aimed at promoting change in the local community, especially in youth work.
  2. Curriculum launched and tested
    During the Innovation Lab, managers and stakeholders have acquired the necessary skills to implement the learning and innovation lab model and provide integrated, person-centered services, thereby improving the social situations of clients.
  3. Applied LINK digital platform
    During the implementation process of the laboratory, the LINK platform has been used as a resource for searching for knowledge, skills and approaches to work with social innovations.

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