This page is the manual for the platform and will describe how the system works.
To log in, press the "Log in" button in the top right corner of the page header. When you click on the button, you will be forwarded to the login form. In the login form there is a field where you enter your email address. After you have entered your e-mail address, you click on the log in button which is located under the field where you filled in your e-mail address.
After clicking on this button, a message is displayed that "An email has been sent to you for login".
Soon after, an email should arrive in your inbox. In this email there is a button that says "Log in". If you click on this, you will be sent to the platform and you are now logged into the system.
If you don't see a button in the email, there should also be a link that looks like the one below.
You can copy and paste this link into your browser. If you do this, you will be sent to the platform and now you are logged into the system.
If it is the first time you log in, the user is created in the platform, and you are sent to a page where you need to accept the GDPR terms. Accept the terms by clicking the "Continue" button.
After you have accepted the terms and conditions, you will be sent to your profile page where you can fill in your name.
After you have saved your name, you will be sent to your profile.
Now you need to choose which organization you belong to.
If you look at the top of the page, there is a message that says "You are logged in as a guest. Click here to select an organization". If you click on this, you will be sent to the form to select an organization.
The first thing you need to do is select a country in the dropdown menu.
After you have chosen a country, the next step is reloaded, and then you have the option of choosing an organization. After choosing an organization, click the "Save" button
Now you have done everything necessary to be able to use the system fully.
The labs page can be found in the main menu with a flask icon.
Pressing that link will take you to the labs page. All the active labs will be shown here.
Clicking the lab name or the lab icon will take you to the specific lab.
The library page can be found in the main menu with a book icon.
Pressing that link will take you to the library page. All the active libraries will be shown here.
Clicking the library name or the lab icon will take you to the specific library.
The lerning programme page can be found in the main menu with a hat icon.
Pressing that link will take you to the lerning programme page. All the active units will be shown here.
Clicking the unit name or the lab icon will take you to the unit.
The profile page can be accessed via the red button on the right hand side in the main menu.
Clicking that button will show a menu with some menu items.
There is one menu item called "Profile". Clicking that will take you to the profile page.
The profile page consists of three sections.
The organisation section will show which oranisation you belongs to. If there is no organisation selected it will say "No organisation chosen".
To change the organisation you can press the blue edit button on the right side. Pressing this button will take you to the edit page for your organisation.
Here there are two fields to fill in.
The first one is country and the other is organisation. After the country has been chosen the other one will refresh and the the available oragnisation for the country.
After the organisation has been chosen, you can save the settings with the blue save button below the fields.
Personal data
This section shows your name and email address.
You can edit this section by pressing the blue edit button on the right hand side of that section.
On the edit page there are thress fields to fill in.
The first one is name. This field contains your name, and it sould be both first and last name. It could also be a alias if you dont want to publish your real name.
The second field email. This field contains your email. This is the email address that you use to sign in with.
The third field is translation. This field is a dropdown-field with three options. The platform is automatically translated by default, so everything in the system will be translated if one of the two first options are selected.
- Default from browser - This setting will read the locale that is set to default in your web broweser.
- Geographical - This setting will find your locale based on your IP-address. It will take the main language of the country that your IP is located geographically.
- No translation - There will be no translations at all with this option.
Save the settings by pressing the blue save button.
My preselected units
This section will show your preselected units from the learning programme.
You can edit this section by pressing the blue edit button on the right hand side of that section.
This form will show a list with checkboxes, where you can select the units that your want as default.
Save the settings by pressing the blue save button.
The startpage page consists of three sections.
The purple section in the top
This is a welcome message
The white section below the purple section.
This section contains a text section where informatin and the purpose of the project is discribed in short.
This section contains of boxes with the latest announcements. Every box contains of a heading, a preamble and a publish date.
By clicking in the arrow in the right bottom corner you can read the full announcement.