Zemgale laboratory, Latvia

Laboratory target group

Young people and specialists who work with them in different ways and contexts have been selected as the target group of this laboratory.


Young people are an important part of society, its future. However, at the same time, they most vividly reflect the problems existing in society, the shortcomings of various systems. Their problem behavior is a response to deprivations and excesses experienced in different environments.

In Latvia, social work with young people facing social and psycho-emotional problems is currently in its infancy. There are many interested professionals working in the field who care deeply about the well-being of young people. Various valuable programs and services for the support of young people are being developed, but there is a lack of interconnection and continuity between them. Therefore, it is necessary to develop cooperation between specialists and institutions so that the invested work and resources bring the best results.

At the same time, it is essential to involve young people and their community in decision-making (we must learn to "talk to" and not "talk about"). For example, social service providers can learn from those in the non-formal education sector. If various social services often fail to reach those young people who need them the most, young people are actively involved and interested in informal education.

Think about the questions on the flip cards!

Who are the young people who get involved in events, programs?

Who are the specialists who manage to involve young people?

Do you know what your colleague does in another institution/service/programme?

What are the key resources that one lacks but another has?

In summary:

Two target groups are reached during the laboratory.

  • The primary target group is youth support professionals.
  • The secondary target group that will benefit are young people with various challenges (at risk of breaking the law/ at risk of social exclusion and others).

The laboratory provides a safe space for creating common solutions for more successful preventive work in the community.

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